Monday, 21 January 2013

Welcome to my blog

Hello future reader! And welcome to PLAYING WITH POLYGON. My name is Omar, I am an aspiring 3D artist, I do 3D models at many levels, from high poly sculpts to low poly Nintendo DS level (and obviously everything in between). I do hard-surface modelling, character modelling, and even environmental modelling. Currently I don’t know what direction to take my skill and focus upon, so in this blog, I will be doing a plethora of experimentation (thus the name) to determine where I should go from here.

While I love 3D, I was originally a gamer from the retro days of 8-bit graphics, my first console was an Atari, and my first game was Pac-man. With the modern day, games have improved exponentially on all fronts, from storytelling to game design to audio and most visually obvious, graphics. I do 3D because I wish to contribute something to the form of entertainment I like most! My other hobbies would be reading books/comics/manga, watching anime/cartoon/tv series/listen to music, etc.

I'm a part time student at Stafford University, the part time is because I'm on yet another year out due to my duties as a carer for my parents, and I only have 1 more semester to do, 3 month! 4 modules! so hopefully, I can find the time to actually finish it and move on with my degree, maybe do a Masters if I have time.

With this blog, I aim to motivate myself to focus on work, keep track of my progress and improvement, and hopefully, in the future when I look at my past work, I will be disgusted at the notion of ever uploading something so bad, because then and only then would I have actually improved!

With all that said, due to my commitment to my family, I might not have all that much time to do work to upload here, so my 3D work may be far and few in between, but I will also share my thoughts and views about other topics.